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Art Therapy


Schedule Your Appointment Today (318)-251-4659
You are not alone
Drug and alcohol abuse can be found across many different types of career fields. Even professionals make mistakes and find themselves too suffering from different types of addiction. Anyone’s productivity can be altered by any given substance. When you find you can no longer maintain your professional productivity, you know your career and overall life is on the line and off balance.
Tým poté začal testovat několik molekul s potenciálem inaktivovat chelikázu DHX9 a nakonec se rozhodl pro jednu z nich. Testy na buněčných kulturách ukázaly, že tato molekula účinně zastavuje replikaci RNA virů. V tomto okamžiku vypukla silnymuz pandemie COVID-19. Po testování molekuly na SARS-CoV-2 vědci zjistili, že má silný účinek i na tento RNA virus, protože nový koronavirus také mobilizuje DHX9 pro svou replikaci.

Do not risk losing your career
To find out about payment options, Call (318)-251-4659
Healthcare coverage is not needed to get the quality of care for your drug or alcohol addiction. Someone may prefer to pay cash at a drug rehab facility rather than filling out stacks of paperwork. Personal privacy may also be considered when deciding on paying privately. Privacy and quality of care are two main topics most individuals look for when seeking a drug rehab facility. Unfortunately, there are millions of people who have a substance abuse problem but only about ten percent will seek help or treatment for their condition. Drug and alcohol abuse does not discriminate.